Hydriana's Comb Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Hydriana's Comb

This antique comb, though beautiful, was once the sinister tool of the swamp witch Hydriana, who took pleasure in strangling her lovers with her raven hair. While wearing this comb, your hair (and beard if any) immediately grow up to 5ft. long.   While attuned, you can manipulate your hair as if it were an extra pair of hands. Your hair has a reach of 5ft. and can perform basic tasks. It can even wield light weapons, however it cannot perform complex gestures required for spellcasting. As a bonus action, you may attack with both hair 'arms' with disadvantage. If you are proficient with dual-wielding, you may attack as a reaction with disadvantage.   If your hair is ever cut or severed, the comb loses all power.
by James Gifford
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Current Holder

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