Lurue the Unicorn Queen Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Lurue the Unicorn Queen

Lurue, also known as the Unicorn Queen or the Queen of Talking Beasts, is a chaotic good archfey who is often worshiped as a goddess of intelligent and talking beasts. She is worshipped by many unicorns, pegasi, and other intelligent non-humanoid creatures, as well as by romantic and swashbuckling adventurers. Lurue is thought to be the daughter of Selene, the moon goddess. Lurue considers the beast god Malar a foe, and the consideration was completely mutual. Lurue blames the Beast Lord for assisting the Red Wizards of Thay in their creation of the black unicorns. Malar considers Lurue to be prize game deserving of his hunt.   Priests of Lurue pray for their spells at midnight, most often in a moonlit glade. They are usually adventurers who traverse the land, seeking to better themselves by experiencing new things and righting wrongs.

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