Martira Bay Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Martira Bay

Martira Bay is a small city located in Darkon within the Jagged Coast. Named for the bay, the city is Darkon's major port for the Sea of Sorrows. Once a simple fishing village, Martira now boasts the largest population of Darkon's still living cities. The shipyards of Martira Bay produce more crafts than anywhere else in the realm.  

79th Century

Matters of religion in Martira Bay were dominated by a strange local devotion called the Faith of the Overseer. Having captivated the hearts and minds of the general public, the Overseer was seen as a deity of community and protection, though he did not act through divine spellcasters nor grant divine spells. These powers were seen as useful only to ensure obedience through fear and terror. In reality, the Faith was a scheme of social control originally orchestrated by Tavelia of the Kargat and her nosferatu thralls. It still operated in her absence. High Cleric Derakoth was the nominal leader of the Faith. Derakoth was the only true believer among the clergy, although he was a deluded Lost One used as a figurehead. The Faith was headquartered at the Temple of Eternal Balance.  

81st Century

The foggy port of Martira Bay is no stranger to mystery. A centre of trade, the city receives regular visits from eerie vessels from mysterious lands. The oddities these ships bring make Martirans indifferent to miraculous sights. This unflappability helps residents avoid standing out or drawing the attention of the Kargat, Darkon's secret police, who conduct their domain-spanning conspiracies from the city's notorious fortress, the Black Tower.   An unprecedented number of serial killers prey on Martira Bay, most infamously the Midnight Slasher, the Spider, and the Weeping Woman. The overwhelmed constabulary has requested aid from spiritualist groups and professional detectives such as the Ray Agency and the Dusklight Detectives.
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