Mount Celestia Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Mount Celestia

Celestia is the ultimate in law and good. All aspects of Celestia are beautiful and perfect; it is where the souls of many creatures of lawful good alignment went to after death. Celestia is home to numerous celestial creatures including various types of archons, the petitioners of this plane.   Celestia is spatially infinite and consists of seven large layers. The seven individual layers form a colossal mountain that rises from an infinite sea of holy water on the bottommost layer to the summit on the topmost layer. Ascending the mountain is analogous to travelling through subsequently higher or 'deeper' layers to the top. Each of the seven layers contains at least one mountain or high structure rising into the sky, and most have whole mountain ranges. The barriers between the seven layers are arranged such that entrances are at the lowest geographical points and exits are at the highest, so a traveller from the Elysium enters the first layer at the base of a mountain (actually, in the surf of the ocean surrounding the mountain) and has to climb to the peak to reach the next layer, only to emerge at the nadir again. The sky of each layer has its own hue which softly bathes everything in gentle shades of luminance.   The seven layers, from the bottom up, are Lunia, Mercuria, Venya, Solania, Mertion, Jovar, and Chronias, the Archangels Gabriel Raziel and Uriel residing in Chronias.
Dimensional plane
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