Mummy Powder Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Mummy Powder

Though its true origin is unknown, the one thing that's certain is that Mummy Powder doesn't come from a mummy. When a sufficient quantity is consumed mixed with wine, it puts the drinker into a catatonic state for several hours. They experience a sensation of being transported elsewhere, into a vast unlit space. Cold cyclopean stones tile the floor and neither walls nor ceiling can be found.   Many experience a presence, a monstrous and unspeakably ancient intellect with only one desire: escape from the dusty emptiness of this prison and into the fullness of the waking world. This being can and will barter various intangible goods: knowledge, memories, skills. However, it only has access to such things as it could previously have acquired from another mummy powder user. Furthermore, it will not give any knowledge directly pertaining to its own nature or the nature of mummy powder. Finally, before making such a transaction, characters are filled with a sense of dread and the knowledge that the being would only have carried out such a bargain if it brought the day of its escape nearer.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine

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