Nevuchar Springs Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Nevuchar Springs

Nevuchar Springs is a small town within the Mistlands at the extreme eastern end of Darkon built on the site of a series of springs. It was a tranquil and nearly forgotten elven community of consequence for little other reason than lying at the source of the Vuchar River. The town is connected to the rest of Darkon not by the King's Highway but only by small craft on the Vuchar River.  

Nevuchar Springs

Colourful chemical lanterns limn the paths of Nevuchar Springs, following carved cliff trails that descend to the Nocturnal Sea and paved stairs rising to the famed cavern pools in the nearby hills. Here the town's elf mystics, known as the Eternal Order, study alchemy and the rare properties of their famed amber hot springs. Secretive traditions veil their methods, but the miraculous effects of their practices are undeniable. Those in need of healing or relaxation visit lavish spas such as the famous Cascana Sanitarium. For all the springs' wonders, some who visit emerge psychologically changed. The locals shrug off these dangers, repeating the local aphorism and spa slogan: "Never wait to wash away the old you."


  • Nevuchar Springs
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