Oracle Rank/Title in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Oracles possess a precious gift coveted not just by mortals but by the gods themselves: the gift of clear communication between the mortal and divine realms. An oracle perceive the whims of the gods and petition them for glimpses of their vast insight. This gift also comes with a curse, though, which typically takes the form of dire insights.   The gods seek mortal oracles to act as their agents. As a result, most oracles devote themselves to the service of a single god and learn to ignore the voices of all others. Occasionally, two gods agree to share the services of an oracle. Oracles who try to remain independent often find themselves pursued by the agents of evil gods who would bind them to the god's service, if necessary.   Additionally, Oracles can cast Augury, Divination, or Commune as a ritual with these abilities. Once they do so, they can't cast it in this way again until they finish a long rest.   Vistani who are known to have "the sight" have powers similar to Oracles, and may even have the exact same abilities, only that their magic draws from the the Dark Powers.
Religious, Special

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