Restore in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Restore is a non-canonical campaign, featuring elements of the main timeline.   Restore was a short side campaign set in an alternate timeline to that of the main Terra Caelum campaigns. It featured a story about a world corrupted by magic and a mysterious conflict known as the War of Many Causes.  


Many of the characters from Terra Caelum are present in this alternate timeline, fulfilling different roles and aligning in mysterious ways. However, some characters made their debuts and were hinted at in Restore and were brought into main canon. The characters in question would be Poncho, Stargazer and the beholder Xanathar. Aesha Brightshield and Del Carric are the only player characters who have officially been made a part of the canon, though they have not been properly introduced.   The campaign ran during Spring 2018, and featured a new warped world where the relics of powerful beings were to be tracked down and, essentially, destroyed. It was the first storyline to introduce the idea of space travel, of the introduction of the Cthulhu mythos, and is still the only storyline to include mind flayers as an antagonistic force. It was the first appearance of the Origin, which still has not made an appearance in the official canon.

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