Satyr Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Satyrs are fey creatures who besiege backwood paths with their trickery. They rarely do harm, but their extreme disposition for chaos makes them an irritation for other races. To a satyr, people are merely bodies to dance with, minds to mess with, and potential drinking buddies.   Satyrs resemble slightly stocky humans with furry lower bodies and cloven hooves similar to that of goats. Satyrs have pointed ears similar to an elf, and horns that vary from small stubs about two inches long to large and curled ram's horns that protrude about two feet from their head. Their hair ranges from the more common brown to hues of reddish orange and the rare white. They usually sport bushy beards, or at least a goatee. Satyrs' eyes are usually blue or brown, however some satyrs have yellow eyes that resemble a goat's. They are relatively short, around 5 ft.   Satyrs were originally denizens of the Feywild, and some still reside there. However, the sheer amount of revels, indulgences, and parties in the Prime by its inhabitants lured many Satyrs to journey from their home plane to the Prime, where they reside today, making merry in the forest and trying to spread a good time wherever they venture.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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