Severin's tower Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Severin's tower

It looks like the wizard living in this tower is a nice wizard.   ODE, UPON ARRIVAL AT SEVERIN'S TOWER   Severin's tower is a wizard's tower located south-east of the town of Springyard. It is a rickety worn tower with a coppery red shingled roof and a rusted weather vane at the top. There is a small greenhouse nearby where crops are planted, as well as a small stables for Thea's horse. There is also a small clothesline attached to the building extending to a small garden area.   Inside, the tower seems a little bigger than on the outside. The ground floor is a living and kitchen area, with a hearth and a few couches. Upstairs is a library, filled with a vast amount of ancient tomes on the study of dragons. Here there is also a large dragon tooth sitting atop parchments and parchments of notes written by Severin. The next room is the bedroom, with a large four-poster bed, and the final room at the top of the tower is a simple neatly kept study.
Founding Date
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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