Shipwright Profession in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Shipwrights are resourceful carpenters and designers. They often have a dedicated spot at the local tavern, since shipwrights are invaluable to coastal communities. Some travel with naval fleets and might serve as officers if their temperament suits it. Shipwrights have an affinity for working with their hands and often perform feats of carpentry that others might deem miraculous.   Shipwrights have sailed into war on the decks of great ships, patching their hulls with soup bowls and prayers. They may have once helped build a fishing vessel that single-handedly saved a town from starvation. They may have seen a majestic prow in their dreams that they have not been able to replicate in wood.   Provided they have carpenter's tools and wood, they can perform repairs on a water vehicle. A vehicle cannot be patched by them in this way again until after it has been pulled ashore and fully repaired.
Famous in the Field

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