Tarokka Deck Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Tarokka Deck

The Tarokka Deck is a deck of cards used by Vistani to fortune-tell. They must be kept wrapped in silk or they will lose their power.   The deck consists of 54 cards, and is divided into a "lesser deck" and a "high deck". The lesser deck consists of 10 cards in each of 4 suits: stars, glyphs, coins and swords. Each suit is tied to an element and each rank to an alignment. The high deck consists of the following suit-less cards: The Darklord, The Artifact, The Horseman, The Marionette, The Innocent, The Temptress, The Mists, The Donjon, The Hangman, The Ghost, The Broken One, The Raven, The Beast, and The Esper.
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