Teeth of Dahlver-Nar Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Teeth of Dahlver-Nar

The Teeth of Dahlver-Nar are stories given form. They are a collection of teeth, each suggestive of wildly different origins and made from various materials. The collection rests within a leather pouch, stitched with images of heroes and whimsical creatures. Where the teeth fall, they bring legends to life.  

Using the Teeth

While you are holding the pouch, you can use an action to draw one tooth. Roll on the Teeth of Dahlver-Nar table to determine which tooth you draw, and you can either sow the tooth or implant it (both of which are described later).   If you don't sow or implant the tooth, roll a die at the end of your turn. On an even number, the tooth vanishes, and creatures appear as if you sowed the tooth, but they are hostile to you and your allies. On an odd number, the tooth replaces one of your teeth as if you implanted it (potentially replacing another implanted tooth, see below).   Each tooth can only be used once. Track which teeth have been used. If a tooth's result is rolled after it's been used, you draw the next lowest unused tooth on the table.  

Sowing Teeth

To sow the tooth, you place it on the ground in an unoccupied space within your reach, or you throw it into an unoccupied space within 10 feet of you in a body of water that is at least 50 feet wide and 50 feet long. Upon doing so, the tooth burrows into the ground and vanishes, leaving no hole behind, or it vanishes into the water. The creatures noted in the Creatures Summoned column appear in an unoccupied space as close to where the tooth was sown as possible. The creatures are allies to you, speak all languages you speak, and linger for 10 minutes before disappearing unless otherwise noted.  

Implanting Teeth

To implant the tooth, you place it in your mouth, whereupon one of your own teeth falls out, and the drawn tooth takes its place, resizing to fit in your mouth. Once the tooth is implanted, you gain the effect noted in the Implanted Effect column. The tooth can't be removed while you are attuned to the teeth, and you can't voluntarily end your attunement to them. If removed after your death, the tooth vanishes. You can have a maximum number of the teeth implanted at one time equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 2 teeth total). If you try to implant more teeth, the newly implanted tooth replaces one of the previous teeth, determined randomly. The replaced tooth vanishes, and you lose the implanted effect.  

Recovering Teeth

Once all the teeth have vanished, their pouch also vanishes. The pouch with all the teeth then appears in a random destination, which could be on a different world of the Material Plane. Destroying the Teeth. Each tooth must be destroyed individually by sowing it in the area where the tooth's story originated, with the intention to destroy it. When planted in this way, creatures summoned are not friendly to you and do not vanish. Some of the creatures summoned merely head off in search of home, while others act as their tales dictate. In either case, the tooth is gone forever.
by Crystal Sully
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder

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