The Elemental Chaos Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Elemental Chaos

The Elemental Chaos is the source of all matter and energy that makes up the rest of the multiverse. Along with the Astral Sea the Elemental Chaos serves to anchor the Material Plane, and its parallel planes.   A tempestuous sea of ever-changing terrain and clashing elements, with stability only enforced in isolated locations, the Elemental Chaos is ruled over, at least in name if not fact, by the primordials and is the equal and opposite of its divine counterpart, the Elysium, as the primordials are the opposites of the gods as demons are to devils.   In spite of its chaotic and dangerous landscape, most parts of the Chaos are relatively easy to travel through, or at least as much as most other planes.
Dimensional plane
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