The Morkoth Vehicle in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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The Morkoth

The Morkoth is a bizarre-looking yet seaworthy vessel with a hull that resembles a giant squid. As it plies the Minnegate Ocean, the top of the forward stabilizing fin remains above the water while the aft tentacles trail behind underwater. The Morkoth has the statistics of a sailing ship. It used to be owned by the Kraken Society, but now belongs to Lyra and Nym.  


This raised deck has two loaded ballistae mounted on swivel turrets. Ammunition is stored in compartments under the deck boards.  

Aft Castle

This flying deck sports two loaded, swivel-mounted ballistae, the ammunition for which is stored in compartments under the deck boards.  

Crew Cabin

Ten hammocks stacked like bunk beds line the walls of this cabin. At any given time, ten Kraken Society cultists are asleep in these hammocks. They wake to cries of alarm and emerge from the cabin with scimitars drawn on the following round.  

Captain's Cabin

Tholtz Daggerdark's cabin is a mess. Nautical books and navigational charts are strewn across the floor, as are quills, loose sheets of blank parchment, empty wine bottles, and spilled jars of ink. Most of the furniture is bolted to the floor, including an unmade bed with a squid-shaped headboard, a writing desk stained with ink, an open trunk, a slender wardrobe stuffed with old robes, and a wooden cloak rack.   On the floorboards, the words "DRAGON," "IYMRITH," "SISTERS," and "TREACHERY" are carved.  

First Mate's Cabin

Rool's sparsely furnished cabin contains a hammock, a wooden treasure chest with a built-in lock, and a rug made from a yeti's hide.
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