Tomb of Nihalar Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Tomb of Nihalar

The Tomb of Nihalar is the burial place of the family of Nihalar, a human tinkerer who worked side by side with dwarves her whole life to help advance dwarven mining technologies. Nihalar's family worshipped both Selene and Talos, explaining the architecture and blessings placed upon the location. Below the tomb, it was planned to build an expanse of catacombs for the followers of Selene and Talos, until the family ran out of money to pay the workers; dwarven respect only goes so far.   Nowadays, the Giantfang pack has a lesser werewolf den in the catacombs. Across the creek south of the tomb is a small encampment of these wolves too, who enjoy camping under the stars and the sky at night.


  • Tomb of Nihalar
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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