Umbral Vampire Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Umbral Vampire

An umbral vampire is a fiendish creature, once human but twisted into a dark reflection by an ancient curse. It resembles a deathly pale, gaunt human with stringy hair, dressed in scant rags. Misty strands of darkness leak from its empty eye sockets, yawning nasal cavity, and mouth.  

Cursed Origin

Legends speak of a cabal of wizards with the power to manipulate the flow of time to make themselves immortal. When the wizards fell and no longer held back the ravages of time, they aged centuries in moments. Instead of dying, the wretches lingered on in their dark realm.  

Bound to Darkness

All umbral vampires originate from the void, and under most circumstances, they’re encountered only in that forsaken place. Despite the terrors it holds, adventurers continue to seek out the city, chasing legends of potent artefacts and boundless treasure accumulated during its golden age. Occasionally, an umbral vampire slips into the mortal world, where it hides in a place seldom or never touched by sunlight and emerges at night to search for victims.  

Shadowy Nature

An umbral vampire doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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