Vigilants in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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A ragtag bunch of adventurers become close friends and uncover deep secrets as they travel together on a ship that travels between planes.  

Chapter 1: Castle in the Clouds

Young adventurers Tempest and Gruïn met in the town of Ballay. They also met a priestess of Resdis, Hemmel. Together, they were brought to the Sky Kingdom by the Avariel Motsu. They met with Prince Ethan, the fake king of the Sky Kingdom, who they discovered had overthrown his mother, Resdis herself. Hemmel found out that she was an incarnation of Resdis, waiting to take back the Sky Kingdom for herself. With the help of Meredith Greytower and the Moonlight Brigade, they defeated Ethan and freed the Sky Kingdom.  

Chapter 2: Flight of the Cassiopeia

Our adventurers were hired by Meredith Greytower to uncover the Cassiopeia.  

Interlude I: The Thorned Heart

Chapter 3: Praise Resdis

The party reached the final part of the stairway and were faced with ebony double doors. The ivory key, when turned in the lock, opened the doors out onto the final courtyard. They were standing at the top of the Sky Spire- the tallest location in all of Terra Caelum.   Marble stepping stones carved to resemble the wispiness of clouds decorated the outer rim of the courtyard. The ancient stone wall, engraved with the history of the Avariels, restricted a view of the Glacies mountains and the surroundings as a whole. The eastern watchtower featured a large statue of Resdis with outstretched angelic wings, a diadem, and a cloak wrapped around her lower half.   Large, ethereal paint splatter pink blue and purple spirit jellyfish floated in large swarms, their tendrils hovering low in the air and easily pushed apart like curtains as you walk through them.   Cherry blossom leaves whipped around each of the party members before blowing along with the wind, an air of calm around you. The beacon that first called their attention here sat in the centre of the courtyard. It resembles a clean-cut circular fountain, where instead of a water spout at the top is a beam of light that shines into the sky, as far as the eye can see.   Then you focus on the figure sitting along the rim of the beacon. A figure is hidden in a large black overcoat. Their hand slips into the stream of light, the golden beam shifting to the deep pink you'd seen before. The boney fingers clench in a fist, and the pink goes deep burgundy, and they retake their hand.   And the stream is pure again.   And the figure makes to stand up.   They stand and turn, and their face is hooded, eyes were hidden and body almost motionless. They then put their hands in their pockets and keep their legs apart. The coat opens slightly, the hilt of a dagger almost visible. He tips his head back, and the hood falls. Where his eyes should be, there are two sunken holes, small flames flickering inside them. His skin almost looks like wax, in how it has melted across his brow.   The party then travelled to the Gods' Grave to revive the soul of Resdis.  

Interlude II: The Gronch Stole Candlenights

Christmas special  

Chapter 4: The Collision


The following is the cast of players and their characters, in order of appearance.  


Tempest was a level 9 tabaxi fighter played by Ally. He had been created as a result of Tinkertown Underground experimentation. He had a history as a sailor, and was a constant member of the party. He fought to help defend Obsidian City during the Collision, and died trying to fight a hydra. While he did perish, his soul lived on in a mech of Doctor Owens' creation.  

Gruïn Lothwood

Gruïn is now a level 14 dryad barbarian played by Aoibhín. During the course of this campaign, Gruïn had been a wood elf from Treetop who lived a nomadic lifestyle with her family. At one point, she had pulled a Void card from a Deck of Many Things found in the Sky Kingdom and she was trapped in a magic jar aboard the Cassiopeia. It was fate's design that the party would eventually start adventuring on the Cassiopeia and find her again. During the Collision, she ended up trapped in the Feywild, which led to her later becoming a dryad.  

Hemmel Hesterbyrne

Hemmel was a level 9 human cleric played by Karolina. Hemmel had lost many of her memories from her youth, as she found out during the course of the campaign that she was a Chosen of Resdis. She was an avatar of the goddess that ended up sacrificing herself in Obsidian City during the Collision, at the hands of Alexandra.  


Motsu was a level 3 avariel ranger played by Natalia. Motsu was an agent of the Sky Kingdom who had joined the party as a guard of Hemmel's. He perished when in a realm of goliath monks, and tried to pilot the Cassiopeia, ending up crashing it and dooming an entire civilisation. The Raven Queen punished him for this by taking his life.  

Kreewin Moonflower

Kreewin is now a level 14 high elf rogue played by Kacper. His whole life, Kreewin has thought himself to be of wood elven descent. His parents were court entertainers in the city of Bronzemere before the orcish takeover, yet this was not fully the truth. Kreewin is biologically the son of Lady Amnestria of Evermeet. He had both wood and high elven blood flowing through his veins. However, as Amnestria had her hands full with her older daughter Arilyn, she sold her son to Kreewin's adopted parents in Bronzemere. In this campaign, he travelled briefly on the Cassiopeia before absconding again.  


Shirley is now a level 14 drow blood hunter played by Ciara. She was once part of a travelling circus, but now works for the Harpers. At the time of this campaign, she worked with the Moonlight Brigade and was tasked to travel with the Cassiopeia.  

Kosvir Crescent

Kosvir was a level 12 tiefling rogue-cleric played by Rin. He was a blacksmith in Crescent Cove who eventually joined the crew of the Cassiopeia, and after that, the Moonlight Brigade. He died in this campaign, however, was brought back as a reaper by the Raven Queen to help fight Obscurus when Lizzy's party needed his help.  


Greybirch is a level 9 halfling druid played by Natalia. His mind was wiped by an eldritch entity, and he forgot his birth name and his past life. During the course of the campaign, he learned that his father was a serial killer in Breantis, who had been arrested many years ago.  

Nicolai von Stein

Nicolai was a level 9 vampire sorcerer-barbarian played by Rin, who is now an NPC lich. He was heir to the von Stein family, and led the group as they investigated the von Stein connection to Tinkertown Underground and beat up Elias von Stein. He went into hiding after the Collision, only to vaguely join the party of Ace Ventura in the Redemption campaign.  


Nolie is a level 9 avariel sorcerer played by Aris. She was a funeral home manager in the Sky Kingdom before being roped into the adventure.

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