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Blood King's essence

A Vampire crouches in the shadows, clutching a vial of a deep red, viscous liquid. Their hand shakes as the contemplate the contents. They were told it was a gift, a symbol of welcome. They were told it would give them more power. They were told they would gain better control over their hunger, be less afraid of the sun, and gain true dominion over the night. The first step was to simply imbibe the contents of the small glass bottle; to take within themselves the essence of a god.   The Nightstalker removed the seal on the vial, nostrils flaring at the familiar scent of blood. While familiar, there was something inherently different about the smell. Mind finally made up, they titled the vial up and let the crimson liquid fall down their throat. Even though it was bottled long before it was drunk, the contents were still warm as if drinking directly from the veins of a victim. The blood was sweeter than anything the vampire had tasted in their long life. For a moment, that was it. The same satisfaction from feeding and the remnants of mortality cringing away from the blasphemy.   Suddenly, power flooded the vampire's body. They felt a now foreign thump in their chest as, if only for a moment, their heart began to beat for the first time in what felt like forever. They felt reborn. They felt as if they could breathe again. While the high from the Blood King's essence faded, the feeling of power did not. They had become stronger, faster, more perceptive, and they wanted more.


As the only way a lesser vampire can become "pure", many vampires, whether affiliated with a clan or not, seek access to it. Even the pureblood vampires that were interviewed seek the essence of Immortuorum Rex.
Item type
Consumable, Magical
From what information there is on the various vampire clans across the world, it appears that only the Coldcreek clan has control over the supply of the blood from their god.

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