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Draconic Iron


Material Characteristics

Ore: A black stone with multi colored flecks Refined: Appears to be normal iron until bonded

Physical & Chemical Properties

After being refined it has the ability to hold magic

Geology & Geography

A mine near the Hall of the Ancients holds access to a vein spanning most of the mountainous region.

Life & Expiration

Once magic is bonded to it, unless broken, it can hold onto it infinitely.

History & Usage


It was first used by the original Council of Elders.

Cultural Significance and Usage

A few tools of priests are made with this material.


It needs to be refined with a lost process. That was once taught by Manibusignem: Fire God to great mortal blacksmiths. The process was taught again the current Elder of Fire, Draco Elara

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The crystal flecks in the ore can be used to create gems to harness the power of anima energies.
Because of its rarity it is never sold.
It is only found in two places on Terra Dracones.
Black with multi colored flecks until refined
Melting / Freezing Point
7,280 degrees Fahrenheit
Common State
Related Locations

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