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Librarius: Goddess of Scholars

Librarius (a.k.a. Great Keeper, the Librarian)

“Sanctuary,” the child cried, running into the library. “Nice try,” the guard following after sneered, “but only holy places can grant sanctuary.” The librarians glanced at each other. A small nod. The head librarian gave the guard a stern look. “Sanctuary granted.” A shimmering wave of energy rippled outward from the head librarian, as they stood up and snapped their book closed. The child crossed the threshold, the barrier giving way like a silk curtain. Falling to her knees in front of the silver-haired librarian, “thank you Great Keeper.” The guard, still not believing that this was a holy space, charged headlong into the barrier. Previously flowing like water, it was as if he had run into a solid stone wall. As the guard stumbled back, blood leaked from his very broken nose. “How,” the flabbergasted guard clutched his nose, “libraries have never been considered a sacred space.” “No,” the Keeper stated, “They always have been, always will be. Since the first one was created, until the last one falls. Anyone wishing for Sanctuary can find it among the Halls of Knowledge. Among my halls.” A look of confusion grew on the guard's face as he tried to process her last statement, “W-what do you mean, your halls and why did that thief call you refer to you as Great Keeper?” A small smile crossed her face, “it’s quite simple, children are more perceptive than most adults. She saw who I really am.” As she watched the confusion on the guard’s face, she clarified, “I am Librarius, Goddess of Knowledge and its seekers as decreed by Geintor. Every library, school, or other place where knowledge is gathered is a temple to me.”     Librarius is the Guardian to all who study the workings of the world. Like any deity, places within her domain can become protected spaces. What sets her apart from most of the other deities is that she states that she was given her role by Geintor, which is the being the High Gods say they were given their role by. Even though she seems to have the same origin as the High Gods, her power appears on par with the Lower Gods.

Divine Domains

The gathering and recording of knowledge.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Open book with quill crossed over pages
Divine Classification
Minor Goddess
Date of Birth
shoulder-length silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white

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