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The Forgeborn

A warrior sits on the floor of a forge, meditating, surrounded by metal that is ready to be shaped into a tool.

A weapon should be an extension of your arm, flowing in perfect rhythm with the dance of battle. There are some who develop a closer bond to their tools of war. Making it an extension of the soul. These people are believed to have souls that have been crafted in the forge of Manibusignem: Fire God himself. Spellblades, Mage-Knights, Arcane Warriors, Forgeborn. There are many who can move in perfect harmony with their weapon, out-matching all most any who test them, such as the elves, but the Forgeborn make what they do look like child's play. Even better, in tribes of Forgeborn, it is child's play. These warriors are respected greatly across the continent, and even a single Forgeborn can be a great ally or a fearsome foe. Tribes will sometimes perform at festivals or teach knights and other tested warriors some of their skill.


Art & Architecture

The Forgeborn craft the prettiest and deadliest weapons, but only gift them to outsiders on rare occasions.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Even more than in most cultures, shaking hands a seen as a sign of respect and peace. Breaking this peace will result with the offender and their family name being dishonored.

Coming of Age Rites

A Forgeborn, when coming of age will meditate in a forge, surrounded by the tools and materials to make a weapon that they will bond with.

Funerary and Memorial customs

In Forgeborn culture it is believed that a soul cannot pass on to a new life without their weapon in hand. A funeral pyre is erected around the fallen warrior, these pyres burn with enough heat to melt most metals. Songs are sung in praise to the warrior and past fallen until the fire finally burns itself out. The leftover ashes and metal are then collect in an urn. The urn is then placed within a hall of dead, in a permanent settlement, or buried.

Common Taboos

If a Forgeborn is seen to be mistreating their weapon, it will be taken and the former warrior will be exiled or, in severe cases, executed. It is also found extremely disrespectful to touch a Forgeborn's weapon without the rarely granted permission.

Historical figures

Lord Lloyd Whitfield has been the only exiled Forgeborn to have made a name for themselves.


Courtship Ideals

Many Forgeborn look for someone that is bonded to a weapon the compliments their own. One common match is a sword and a dagger, also it is rare that to Forgeborn of the same weapon find themselves a match.

Major organizations

There are few Forgeborn that are outside of a tribe and aren't exiles. These loners can usually be found in the Warrior's guild or as a Mercenary.

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