History of Terra

Era of the Gods

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A time in which the Gods walked among the Mortals, and the divine realms stood as the epitomy of advanced civilizations that beamed all across the world of Terra Firma.

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    The War In Heaven
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Although many different cultures across Terra provide a different depiction of the events, the War in Heaven has been the very milestone that brought about the Age of Gods, which was an era in which Gods and Mortals lived side by side, now long forgotten only to be recited in myths and legends, overshadowed by the war between the Gods that took place at the very end of the Age of Gods. During the War in Heaven, multiple catastrophes took place which saw the sinking of continents, collapse of civilizations, creation of rifts, and finally, the Great Collapse, which saw the power of the Elder Gods diminished.

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    The Cataclysm of Athaldwol
    Disaster / Destruction

    During the final days of the War In Heaven, and as Gods and Mortals alike believed that they had survived through the worst of the Divine descend, the darkest days dawned, over the greatest of all civilizations that had endured throughout the most of the divine conflict.    Known only in legend, as Athaldwol; The Land Beyond the Dusk, the continent to the West of Erova stood as perhaps the most advanced civilization of its era, led by the children of Norvia, the Goddess of the Seas, throughout the eon of plagues and catastrophes. And yet, in the final days of the War In Heaven, Athaldwol faced a cataclysmic event that saw the sea herself rising above the waves and swallowing the continent whole, in a violent elemental apocalypse that shattered the entire land.   According to the legends, this apocalypse was the result of the schemes of the Great Serpent, Eireadorch, to enact vengeance upon the patron of Athaldwol, Norvia, who had betrayed her brethren, the Deep Ones, and had sought forgiveness from her mother, Oíchmháth, the Moon Goddess.

The Great Collapse

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During the times of the Era of Collapse, or the Dark Age of Terra Firma, the remnant populations that survived the aftermath of the War In Heaven experienced the drastic impact of the war's backlash. It is an era of primitive barbarism, cannibalism and disregard of all things valuable, as many described the years of the Age of Collapse as "The Time After the End"

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    Cataclysm of Doggaroth
    Disaster / Destruction

    Driven by vengeance, Norvia pursued her dark brother, Eireadorch, across the muddy remains of the once Land Beyond the Dusk, now drown beneath the waves. Eireadorch tried to hide in the Land Of Giants, a continent recited in myth as Doggaroth, who at the time was pledged to the Serpent's cause. With a mighty fleet, and a host of her children, Norvia laid waste to Doggaroth and the Serpent's armies. Unable to stop his sibling's onslaught, Eireadorch was cornered. However, when Norvia finally managed to break in the last citadel of her brother, he was nowhere to be seen....   While Norvia laid siege upon the strongholds of the Giants, Eireadorch had plotted a whole new apocalypse, this time, perfectly timed....   Before Norvia could realize, or her hosts could escape, great waves emerged as Doggaroth descended beneath the waves, along with the foe's hosts, signifying the last apocalyptic event that will bring about the end of the era of the Gods....

Medieval Era

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The Medieval Era was a time of transition. Eons after the War In Heaven, the peoples of Terra Firma begun forming new civilizations, while the very first realms started forming from through the bloody battlefields of the past. During the Medieval period, the first appearances of legal documents and written Laws start emerging, signifying the beginning of a new Era.

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    The Witch Wars of Castagonna
    Military: War

    During the reign of King Rodritholidar IV, "The Black", Castagonna was turned into a magocracy, with Queen Livaselidanilia, wife of King Rodritholidar, and renown witch, after her navy defeated the Kishmen navy in Isla De Amor's Southmost shores, convinced her husband to give additional liberties to the religious sects that preached in the realm.  After this was granted, Livaselidanilla, with her renewed power over the religious zealots of Castagonna, begun a relentless campaign against all mages that inhabited the realm, under accusations of treason and rebellion.  The sudden polarization of the peoples will lead to a full scale civil war that will drench Castagonna in blood, and will result to the collapse of the royal House, and the death of most mages that resided in Castagonna.

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    Gallian Wars
    Military: War

    Also known as the Three Hundred Year Darkness, the Gallian Wars were a series of conflicts that unfolded in the region of Gallia between the invasive barbarians of Flauront and Ostronnia, as well as engagements between the warring states of Gallia, that resulted to the gradual unification of the region, as one single Kingdom. The strife brought about by the three hundred year darkness gave rise to numerous plagues and rebellions that saw many realms within Gallia rise and fall, until the eventual conquest.

Age of Dread

654 and beyond

With Magic flowing in the world, and civilization rising across every corner of Terra Firma, the first major conflicts are initiated, as the realms grow.   In the distant North, beyond the frozen lands, the mighty Demon King, a creature ancient and with very few aware of its origins, and even fewer who dare share this horrifying knowledge.   As magic becomes stronger in the world, there are many who begin prophecising horrors that have yet emerged from the dark corners of the world, as the land grows heavy with Corruption....

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    The Pottaunian Unification Wars
    Military: War

    As the power of the Western Erovian states grew, the rulers of Anjoin, members of the Caligonian Dynasty from Countanne, led by King Avoinot "The Brave", begun an expendition to extend their rule over the lands of Aquilonne and Gascaunne, who were at the time independent countries, contrary to Norladia, Anjoin an Naurbonne, who had been under the rule of the Caligonians ever since Caligon I, "The Great" conquered the lands almost half a century prior.   The resistance, however, of Aquilonne and Gascaunne was unexpectedly stout, while the armies of Marailon were also dragged into the conflict, resulting to a bloody stalemate.  After several campaigns and even more battles, Avoinot "The Brave" will be wounded severely in battle and will succum to his wounds few days later, dying in late Summer of 689. His successor, Loron II, shall continue raiding Aquilonne lands, while his campaigns shall become more sporadic, devolving the war in lesser skirmishes and raids.   Eventually, after many years, the Duchy of Vethonny shall enter the war in the King's side, resulting to several rapid-pace campaigns that saw the Aquilonnian armies depleted and many of their lords dead, or captured, forcing Aquilonne to come to terms and be vassalized by the Kingdom of Pottaun, effectivelly ending the 40-year long war.

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    Alurmanat Invasion of Sparnia
    Military: War

    After his conquests in Maorkisharra and the deserts beyond, Malkabuk Mala Kishmen "The Great", ruler of the Alurmanat Empire, after three years in preparation, finally launched a massive invasion of Sparnia. In a state of dissarray and conflict already, Sparnish realms were never a match for Malkabuk's veteran armies. It will take some eight years for Malkabuk to subjugate, or vassalize, most of the Sparnish realms, with many of the Sparnish noble lines perishing in the process.

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    Battle of the Broken Banners
    Military: Battle

    In Burganna, Sparnia, will be the battleground in which the mighty Alurmanat ruler Malkabuk Mala Kishmen "The Great" will suffer his final defeat, and end the wars of conquest on Sparnia for almost five decades. After conquering most of the region, Malkabuk set eyes on Asterias, from which he could surround the defiant lands of Narvar. After mustering a large army, he invaded Asterias from the province of Burganna, aiming to pierce through the country in a lightning campaign. What he met, however, were the joint armies of Asterias and Narvar, which forced him to engage at the mountain slopes. Well-positioned, and determined, the Sparnish army caused Malkabuk's anger, as they taunted him from across the field, resulting to multiple failed Alurmanat assaults against the sparnish positions, until finally, the depleted invader force retreated in defeat. It is said, during the battle, the Sparnish host was so severely wounded by the consequetive Alurmanat attacks, that their very standards had been broken, and yet, the troops refused to give ground. During the last attempt, Malkabuk's firstborn daughter, Euminakra, was slain against the sparnish shield wall. Just few months after the battle, Malkabuk will die of old age, giving an end to the Alurmanat conquest of Sparnia, as rebellions and internal tensions will prevent the Empire from setting eyes upon the yet unconquered realms again...

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    Sparnish Wars
    Military: War

    After the death of Sultan Shavurra Mala Kishmen "The Lawful", the reign of the Kishmen Dynasty came to a violent end for the Alurmanat Empire. The at the time underaged heir of Shavurra, Tuthanda Mala Kishmen, was brutally murdered by his very uncle, barely few days after his father's passing, bringing the Alurmanat Empire to a state of civil war, with multiple generals vying for control.   It was at that point, when the Sparnish peoples of Asterias and Narvar mustered their armies and supported by the King of Pottaun, Loron II, launched a long campaign against the south, which had been under Alurmanat rule for over fifty years.    A series of battles took place between the fractured Alurmanat forces and the Sparnish, with multiple cities being razed and several champions emerging and dying on both sides, until finally, after over five decades of struggle, the Sparnish secured the province of La Porta, ending the long Alurmanat rule, as the last of the Alurmanat warlords laid slain, and the decomposition of their homelands made any retaliation attempt futile.

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    Iron Cult Rebellion
    Military: War

    After a series of conflicts on Ostronnia, due to the collapse of the old dynasty, the Cult of the Iron God, a cruel machine-loving organization that sought to abolish the past religions of the country, having grown significantly due to the civil strife and the adoptation of their war machines by the warring factions, they rose up in open revolt, calling onto the Ostronnians to take up arms and free themselves from the royals. And so, they did. After several years of conflicts, the Cult of Iron managed to take control of Ostronnia, establishing a cruel industrial regime that procecuted any magic user they could reach, burning down holy sites and comitting attrocities, in their black crusade to rid the world from Magic entirely...

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    Varanian Conflict
    Military: War

    Having grown strong in Ostronnia, the Iron Cult launched an invasion to the north, against the pagan duchies of Lower Varania, in order to purge the mages that ruled. Although initially, the Iron Cult saw many victories, further enhanced by the deeply divided viking clans who had settled the provinces of Friezond and Beema, eventually, the peoples of Varania united into a coalition of multiple factions, meant to face off the Iron Cult's legions. The main battleground will be the province of Oldenn, which will be captured and reclaimed multiple times, until finally, the Iron Cult comitted to an offensive that would deplete most of their forces, causing enough casualties on both sides. After almost twenty years, the fighting will reach a stalemate.

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    The Staggering Siege of Ostera
    Military: Battle

    After some five years of conflict, the Iron Cult forces lay siege on the important city of Ostera, in Oldenn province, which became the very peak of the Varanian Conflict. After nine years of near-perpetual siege, the Iron cult finally managed to take the citadel and claim the territory, with however no few losses.  It is believed by historians that almost twenty thousand Iron Cult troops perished during the prolonged siege, which was among the reasons why by the end of the siege, the Varanian Conflict entered a stalemate, as both sides dug themselves in long lines of trenchworks along the contested border.

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    Eirish Unification Wars
    Military: War

    With the rise of Harrul Ulfbitenn on the throne of Dunwyn, House Ulfbitenn went through long years of consolidating their power over their domain and securing numerous alliances with neighbouring realms, while trade finally showing prospects.   Twenty years later, Harrul's long effort to bring the isle of Eirlun under his banner begun, with numerous campaigns of him and his vassals. The wars will last eleven years, until the forces of House Ulfbitenn and their vassals finally manage to claim hegemony over Eirlun.

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    Pottaun Wars of Succession
    Military: War

    With the death of King Veulon "The Young", after the Battle of Fontrois, Pottaun faced a succession crisis, with Veulon having no children, nor an appointed heir. Across the Kingdom, Dukes and nobles begun claiming rights on the throne of Pottaun, resulting to a rapid fragmentation of what once was the largest kingdom of Western Erovia.