
Of all the children of the primordial gods, the humans are the latest to arrive on Terra. Ayos, the God of Light and Destiny, brought the first humans to Terra in a meteoric firestorm located at what is today called The Planar Fasciitis, the Footsteps of the Gods. Ayos, God of Rebirth, wished for a people whose relatively short lives would push them to strive for greatness in what little time they were given. The humans soon put that on full display as they created vast empires that capitulated the other races due to their dogged persistence, determination, and quite frankly, their own greed and lust for power. They seek adventure, innovation, creativity, and new frontiers...always looking ahead to what they can accomplish.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Humans have settled in all parts of the known world of Terra.
Scientific Name
Children of Ayos
80 years
Average Height
5 feet 10 inches
Average Weight
150 lbs


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