Corporations of Tantalus in Terra Incognita | World Anvil
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Corporations of Tantalus

Guild of Merchants and Prospectors

  The Administrative governing body overseeing Traders of all types at Tantalus (and throughout Ithacan space). Responsible for setting and collecting Tariffs and maintaining information relating to all aspects of manufacturing and supply to ensure smooth operations.  

National Emergency Reserve Venture

A think-tank focusing on Research & Development.  

Privateer Alliance

Allows civilians to buy Privateer licences, making them freelancers licenced to take work from the Privateer Network. The Privateeer Network is a system of 'bulletin boards' where anyone can post jobs of any type. These jobs are graded, and Privateers with better reputations get first-access to the more lucrative jobs.  

Tantalus News Network

The largest media conglomerate on Tantalus.

Sisyphus Geosciences

Holding company for a number of specialist mining and prospecting businesses, typically operating within Tantalus or one of the orbiting resources asteroids.  

Golden Labyrinth

A gambling conglomerate. Runs the Golden Labyrinth casinos and associated businesses.

Veidt Industries

Specialists in biotechnology, with major investment in medical technologies and bio-sciences.

Paradise Holding Company

A massive warehousing conglomerate that manages some of the busiest storage facilities across Tantalus (and beyond). A smaller subsidiary operates from Stormport.

Wallace Corporation

Specialists in robotics and micro-electronic applications of robotic technologies, such as cybernetic limbs, medical and industrial robotics, construction, etc.


A high-tech manufacturing specialist. Produced specialist, sensitive electronics, most often used in sensor and detection equipment used on most starships and in most medical technology.

Tintally Envirosciences

One of the "hidden businesses" of Tantalus. Deals with almost every aspect of the recycling and reprocessing of waste biological matter at Tantalus.

Palaimon Construction Partners

The oldest and largest construction yards on Tantalus. Manages most large-scale construction projects, new Hab blocks, mining sites, etc. Subsidiaries deal with the ongoing repair and maintenance of the constructions.

Aquillan Society

A recent corporation that breaks the mould of most others. It is run as a quasi charity, education and historical society. Having Corporation status gives the Aquillan Society the right to employ citizens and gain the protections of business.

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