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Untitled Goose Cryptid

The Untitled Goose Cryptid aka. The Goose is an unknown magical entity that seems to follow and harass random people around the continent of Elona. The Goose takes shape as a regular white Elonian goose commonly found in lakes on the west side of the continent. The Goose seems to be indiscriminate when it comes to deciding upon its target.   The methods of harassing its target seem to be non-magical, endless honking, stealing of objects to move them to inconvenient places, stealing of objects to destroy or damage them. However, when it comes to it stopping and starting to harass someone is where its magical properties seem to show. The Goose will seemingly appear in places it should not have appeared using some kind of teleport magic, it has even been noted to appear in areas where magic is blocked or an area that is completely sealed.   Attempts to track The Goose while it is not harassing someone are not efficient due to all types of magic either giving no result or showing an empty beige room with an odd humming occurring. Talking to holy entities about the goose will result them responding that they have no idea of what they are talking about.   Any attempts to capture or murder The Goose are fruitless as the Goose seems to always escape or return very quickly appearing in areas that are not being monitored. It also seems that people that do not have any magical properties (ability to cast magic, magical background, etc) remember the goose as a regular goose with no magical properties, and anyone without magical properties seem to forget about the goose entirely if they witness its magical properties.   If you have seen this Cryptid please contact The White Haven Academy with the Gooses whereabouts and what it has done.


The spread of the goose's magical reach seems to only exist in Elona as there have been no reports of the Goose existing in other areas of Terra. However, it may be possible as a different type of goose to blend in better with the appropriate continent

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