Words Describing Smells

Integrating all five senses into stories gives depth and makes them memorable. The best storytellers (writers and game masters) use the five senses when they describe scenes and locations. They make their stories real by allowing readers and players to experience what their characters see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. This chart helps amplify the use of one of the strongest senses, the sense of smell, to give depth and reality to a scene.  

About Smell

A smell is ‘the pleasant or unpleasant quality of something that you notice when you breathe in through your nose’. To smell is ‘to notice or recognize the smell of something’.  

The Power Of Smell

The sense of smell is one of the most powerful senses and is often associated with memories. Smells are one of the best ways to invoke the feelings associated with a location.  

Describing Smells


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