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2: Imilios Eidolon

Imilios ediolon

Imilios Eidolon Is the second one of the 13 Imilios. Eidolon is considered, by some, to be the most powerful Imilios.   Eidolon is a being of light, healing, glory, truth, justice, mercy, purity, wisdom, unity, community, and ideals. Eidolon was the second Imilios formed out of the primoridal universe. Eidolon created their world, which they called Celestia. Humans there evolved into angels, with the beings from there becoming known as Celestials.   Eidolon is a deity of pure light and goodness, said to radiate healing and benevolent energy from their being. Mortals who revere Eidolon see them as a symbol of hope and justice, a deity who embodies the highest ideals of honor, integrity, and compassion.   Eidolon is often depicted as a radiant figure of pure light, with a body made of shimmering energy that seems to pulse and glow with divine power. They speak with a voice that is said to be as soft as a whisper, yet capable of filling the hearts of mortals with a sense of awe and wonder. Mortals who revere Eidolon are often healers, paladins, and champions of justice and virtue. They see themselves as the agents of the deity's will, working tirelessly to bring about positive change in the world and uphold the highest standards of honor and integrity. As one of the most powerful Imilios, Eidolon's divine power is said to be immense, far beyond the abilities of mortal beings to fully comprehend. The deity's mastery over light, healing, and benevolence allows them to bring about positive change in the world, often through the actions of their mortal followers.   Eidolon is known for being a deity of action, rather than one who simply observes from afar. The deity's followers believe that Eidolon is constantly working to bring about positive change in the world, whether through subtle guidance or direct intervention.   Unlike some of the other Imilios, who may only reveal themselves to their followers in times of great need, Eidolon is said to be a constant presence in the lives of the faithful, talking to their followers, as its sense of community compells the deity to interact.   Imilios are not allowed to interact on Terra Novela. All Imilios break this rule to some degree, but Eidolon likes defying this rule to a more extreme amount. Because of this, Eidolon has the most amounts of paladins and clerics out of any other Eidolon. They know their place, and do not influence the world without asking their followers to do things for them. On Celestia, Eidolon is very active, doing everything in their power to make the world as great as possible.   Eidolon's followers are also known for being very active themselves. They see it as their duty to work towards the ideals of the deity, whether that means fighting injustice, healing the sick and wounded, or simply spreading kindness and compassion in their communities. This active approach to faith is seen as a reflection of Eidolon's own nature, and is a key part of the deity's worship.   Eidolon's followers do not typically view the deity as having any specific weaknesses, as the deity is considered to be a paragon of goodness and virtue. However, some might argue that Eidolon's emphasis on ideals and perfection can be a double-edged sword.   On the one hand, Eidolon's ideals provide a guiding light for the faithful, inspiring them to be their best selves and work towards a better world. However, this focus on ideals could also lead to a sense of rigid moral absolutism, where those who do not adhere perfectly to the deity's standards are viewed as lesser or flawed. This could manifest as a result in a lack of empathy or understanding towards those who are struggling or who have made mistakes, as well as a tendency towards dogmatism and inflexibility.   Additionally, some scholars on Terra Novela argue that Eidolon's association with light and purity can make the deity vulnerable to corruption by darker forces. While Eidolon is viewed as incorruptible, the temptation to compromise one's ideals in the pursuit of power or control is a common theme in many mythologies. It is possible that Eidolon's greatest weakness lies in the potential for the deity's own power and influence to be used for malicious purposes, should the deity's followers ever lose sight of the true meaning of their faith.
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