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Current House Rules

Nat 20 isn't auto-success on skill checks, and Nat 1 isn't an Current House rules Nat 20 isn't auto-success on skill checks, and Nat 1 isn't an auto-fail on skill checks or saving throws. Nat 20 is not an auto-success on saving throws. Normal Crit Rules for combat Any additional sources of advantage or disadvantage instead add an additional +2 or -2 to the modifier, respectively.   ONEdnd Exhaustion rules Each time you receive it, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. You die if your exhaustion level is about to exceed 10. When you make any roll with a d20, you subtract your exhaustion level from the d20 roll. Ending the Condition. Finishing a Long Rest removes levels of exhaustion equal to your constitution modifier. When your exhaustion level reaches 0, you are no longer Exhausted.   Stress System update:   At 40 stress, you gain an affliction and drop to 0 hp and go to death saves   At 45 Stress you roll on the "Long-Term madness" table and drop to 0 hp and go to death saves. This effect lasts until the end of the next long rest.   At 50 stress you roll on the "Indefinite madness" table and go to 0 hp and go to death saves.   If you get to 55 Stress, you die.   Stress addons do not "roll over" if you have 19 stress and gain 8 stress, you will end the turn with 20 stress.   You my use a bonus action to drink a potion. If you do, You roll for any effect it has (hp, etc)   You may also use an action to drink a potion. If you do, You do not roll for any effects, they happen at the maximum effect. (max out healing, max out time effects, etc.)


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