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Playable Species and their origins

In this world, Humans were the first species to be created. Their spread spurred evolutions to have the native humans adapt to their local environment. Thus, every race, with the exception of a select few, are mutated humans over millions of years of evolution. This article will go through each allowed race and their planet of origin.   Aasimar
Long ago, humans had evolved into celestials on Celestia under the watchful eye of Imilios Eidolon. After this, the Celestials of Celestia were permitted to bear children with other races, creating the Aasimar. Aasimar are rare, as celestials almost never leave Celestia. Most Aasimar are offered to join their godly parent in Celestia however. It is said that Celestia Echos with bell tolls every time an Aasimar is born. Sometimes, Aasimar can be born as a result of a gift from the Imilios, or through a myriad of celestial pacts and interventions.     Bugbear
Native to the region today known as Var'Zul, Bugbears are evolved goblins, evolved along a different path than their 'cousins' the hobgoblin.   Changeling
  Natives of the Underdark, and the so called "children of Nocturne," Dopplegangers are able to completely change their physical body to match other living creatures. Some dopplegangers take the forms of other species, and will often live out their lives as that species until they die. When a doppleganger sires a child, that child has a chance to become a changeling, a hybrid with similar, although less powerful, abilities.   Deep Gnome
  When Gnomes made their way to the Underdark, thousands of years of living in the underdark turned them into the deep gnomes.   Dragonborn
Descended from dragons on Drakarion, Dragonborn are a rarity amongst the populaton on any planet.   Duergar
  When Dwarves made their way to the Underdark, thousands of years of living in the underdark turned them into the Deep Dwarves, or Duergar.   Dwarf
  Alongside Goliaths, Dwarves come from Morvindius, where humans adapted and evolved to better fit the high mountainous terrain in different ways.   Elf
  The magical energy of the Feywilds has molded past humans into the elves.   Githyanki
  The resident human evolution in Limbo, and the Astral plane. This race has evolved to withstand the cold vaccuum of space. Their species has cultivated a large presence on the planet dubbed "RNG" by the locals, where they fight wars with the resident human population.   Gnome
  The intense gravity of Euphonia has turned the resident humans into the Gnome.   Goliath
  Alongside Dwarves, Goliath come from Morvindius, where humans adapted and evolved to better fit the high mountainous terrain in different ways.   Half-Elf
  Fairly self explanitory. When a Half elf sires a child with a human, that child has a 50% chance to be a half elf, otherwise, a human is sired.   Half-Orc
  Fairly self explanitory. When a Half Orc sires a child with a human, that child has a 50% chance to be a half orc, othewise, a human is sired.   Halfling
  The intense gravity of Euphonia has turned the resident humans into the Halfling.   Human
  The unchanged species that populate the universe. While the human genome is specialized for evolution, attempting to intermingle species has proved unsuccessful apart from Elves, Orcs, Tritons, and Yuan-ti, which are the most similar to humans physically.   Hobgoblin
Relatives to the bugbear, Hobgoblins are evolved goblins that made their way to Alathea, now native to the planet.   Kalashtar
A species created by the Quori of Numinia, the Kalashtar have long struggled to find their place in the universe.   Kenku
  The newest evolution of human found in the world, said to have been birthed by a mysterious figure named "The Ravenlord" who is said to have cursed a previous board of leaders into Corvids. He cursed them with the ability to never speak another original word again, and forced them to copy what they have heard only, he supposedly he was tired of them not listening to him. Since then, the Kenku have populated to a very small size in Ravenhold and Var'Zul.   Kor
Evolved from Native humans on Alathea, the Kor are a species built for exploration, travel, and climbing. Their population is small due to their semi-nomadic lifestyle, always traveling around their homeworld. Many Kor are known to leave the tribe and explore other worlds, and it is customary for them to go on pilgrimages to find adventure on other worlds.
  Lizardfolk are an evolved form of the Dragonborn from Alathea. It is said that an ancient gem dragon flew through the void of space to reach the planet, before any portals had been established. The legitimacy of this claim is called into question often by scholars.   Orc
Elves that wandered their way to Morvindius found the planet's atmosphere changed their physiology in a way unique to other Species.   Triton
  Humans that spent a lot of time in the water eventually developed gills and became the Tritons, or Merfolk, as they are coloqually known, however, they are called Tritons by their own kind.   Tiefling
Similar to Aasimar, Tieflings are decendants of devils or demons with humans. Sometimes, Tieflings can be born as a result of a gift from Imilios Grixis, or through a myriad of Infernal pacts and interventions.     Yuan-ti
  A serpentile race found in the region now known as Yar'Zul, they are thought to evolved from humans after an ancient human cult made a deal with Imilios Grixis for more power. In return for the power, they was cursed with a serpentine form. In the modern age, true Yuan-ti are very rare, with only around 500 estimated to exist. All of them are deeply ingrained in the Yuan-ti Xenophobic culture, where they find themselves superior to every other species.   Yuan-ti purebloods and halfbloods
  A mixture of the potent Yuan-ti gene mixed with humans create these. Yuan-ti tend towards xenophobic tendencies, and see these sub-species as inferior. However, this species has a far larger population.


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