Drow Elf Species in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Drow Elf

Drow (Dark Elf)

Descended from a dissident group of uasal that marched alongside Jari, Goddess of Undeath, the drow were cursed to suffer when under sunlight by Laoiche, Goddess of Sky. They are now the proud race protected by Balan Aiséirithe, ruling over the sunless Ishtar.
ability score increase: Cha +1
age: An elf can live up to almost 1500 years and is considered an adult just after their second century. This absurdly long lifespan reflects on how they rationalize and feel, being more often amused than excited, and more curious than greedy. It is easy to get on their friendly side, but slow to become a real friend or enemy.
alignment: Elves love freedom, variety, and self-expression, so they lean strongly toward the gentler aspects of chaos.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: The elven speak Teanga, a fluid, and rich vocabulary, with subtle intonations and intricate grammar. Every elf is taught how to speak, read, and write in Teanga and Ezor.
parent race: Elves (Síofra)
race features:
Drow Weapon Training. The drows have a strong martial tradition and teach their young how to handle themselves in battle. You have proficiency with rapiers, daggers, shortswords, and hand crossbows.   Superior Darkvision. As a side-effect of their curse, the drow darkvision is way more developed than usual. Your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet.   Sunlight Sensitivity. Thanks to their curse, the drow can't be under the sun without suffering from dizziness and pain. You have Disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.   Drow Magic. As part of the boons received by the drow during the Divine Clash, you have the ability to cast some spells naturally. You know the Dancing Lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Faerie Fire spell once per day. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Darkness spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


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