One Eyed Wolf Gin Item in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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One Eyed Wolf Gin

One Eyed Wolf Gin is a very popular dark gin that comes from a 1000 year old family recipe which has been kept a secret and to this day all brewers live a priveledged life, however at the age of retirement they pass down a dowry to their families before being lead of and never seen again, to keep the secret safe I hope you understand.   Its origin stems from the old dwarven miners who setup camp in Eastwind, and who's old recipes were improved by the Elves and Goblins in the nearby forest. It was first brewed in Marns Cross over 1000 years ago and to this day there is still a small distillery just outside the town (although larger distributers have taken over the vast majority of the process in the larger cities).
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Base Price


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