Riders of Eastwind Organization in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Riders of Eastwind

The Riders of Eastwind are a fabled band of men and women who came about as a defence for travellers and salespeople on the East Shire road between Devout and Domadden, who were constantly under threat of ambush from Goblin raiders from the mountain regions.   The true number of Riders at anyone time isn't always known, however it is believed that there are currently 5 active members of the group.   The Riders are usually made up of Horsemen and Rangers who have shown bravery and intellect, and are seen as the highest skilled of all Riders in the Eastwind area and beyond.   All Riders are given a name that they will be known as for as long as they are part of the group, their old names will be tossed aside until they retire or pass on to the other realms.   The Horses are the finest Black Stallions from Palayos, the Elven kingdom is well known for breeding the swiftest of all horses.

Public Agenda

To ensure the safekeeping of all visitors to Eastwind.
Guild, Privateers


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