The Redbrands Organization in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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The Redbrands

The Redbrands, sometimes called the Redbrand Ruffians, are a group of bandits and brigands active in the resettled frontier town of Phandalin and nearby Triboar Trail region in the late 15th century DR   They have been known to visit the continent of Terra Novus in small numbers from where they have attempted to start up new local factions.   The Redbrands mostly consisted of humans, male and female, although a handful of halflings and bugbears were also in the bandit group. Each Redbrand wears a simple, dirty scarlet cloak. These cloaks were used to stop the undead in their hideout in Tresendar Manor from attacking them.   They were led by a mysterious wizard who they called Glasstaff, to this day his real identity remains a mystery.
Illicit, Gang


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