Demonkin in Terra | World Anvil



  Demonkin is a collective term used to describe the many types of lesser demons that exist throughout Terra and Terris. They come in all shapes and sizes and all have different dispositions in how they tend to act and the deals they aim to make.  

Lustful/Desire Demons

Few of these exist and most tend to pray on the lust and greed of the mortal races. Be it money, sexual desire, emotional highs, or even lows, Desire and Lust demons will be the ones who seek to exploit these traits.  

Succubi and Incubi

Succubi pray on sexual desires, mostly on men, Beastrace and Human especially however they also are known to pray on women who find other women to be attractive. They do so in order to feed on the life energy produced during these acts.   Incubi are a male counterpart to the Succubi. They pray mostly on women or men with a desire for other men. They tend to have two purposes, one to impregnate and spawn more of their kind, or to feed. Incubi are also known to fall victim to their own desires.   Both are known to shapeshift to reflect forms that their pray would desire in order to ensure they get what they need or to stay hidden when being hunted or to blend in.  


small, bipedal with a rat like appearance Kobolds are infamous for praying on and even falling victim to greed. Gold, shiny objects and anything of value is what this demon desires and they will manipulate others to get it. They are extremely protective often hiding and fighting to the death even when hopelessly outmatched to attempt to protect something as small as a extra shiny keyring. Their threat comes more from their thieving nature and large populations that exhibit small, tribal like groups where the leader is the Kobold with the largest stash.

Servant and Independent Demons

The largest subcategory of Demons, these demons are known to be servtants to Greater Demons and other masters such as Warlocks or Vampires. Many are skilled in combat but others hold specific uses.  


Small bipedal demons with brown to red skin. Long ears, sharp teeth, small slit shaped eyes and long claws scamps are mostly servants for other demons and lack much for higher functioning cognative abilities. They have an affiliation with Fire and Shadow magic and will cast Fireball and Shadowblasts in combat or use their long, knife like claws. They are weak both when it comes to physical defense and resistence to magic, however they have an affinity to fire making fire magic less effective against them.


Large, red skinned and heads like a furless Ox. Balor's are powerful, muscular and skilled with whip and blade. Commonly found guarding Demon Lords or powerful Vampires Balors know Common tongue and are capable of efforlessly tossing aside vehicles and small arms fire. Balor are tanks both in physical defense and magical resistance but they are slower and can still be cut by normal weapons. Small arms fire is useless against these hulking demons however higher caliber rifle rounds, high energy lasers and large ordinance will harm them.


Also referred to as Naga, these demons are the top of a fair, human maiden generally with exposed or barely covered breasts, four arms and the bottom half a serpent. They are known for their speed and use of poisons in combat. Many are about the height of humans.  


One large eyeball, a large pair of bat wings and a great, toothy mouth Gazers serve as messengers and sentries for others. They are capable of a basic form of Astral projection where one can 'record' a message and send the Gazer to the recipiant and the Gazer can cast a magical holigram of the message before the Gazer's memory is lost often forgetting how they got to where they were. They speak some common tongue but mostly speak in the Demon Language. Gazers are resistant to most magics however they are not very tough.  


Largest of the servent demons, two headed beast with two uper arms that change to tentacle further down, large lizard like legs, with sharp claws on the feet and long, tails Demogorgons rely on brute strenght and are commonly used to overpower other physically strong threats to their master. Demogorgons are weak to Electric magic and have a fear of Thunderstorms. They are physically tough making it difficult for even the strongest of warriors to damage them. Demogorgons are the only Demonkin who have the Demon Skin ability that Higher and Greater Demons have making the use of Demon Steel, Angel Steel or Lightforged weapons almost required if most want a chance to even scratch them with a blade. They're also immune to small arms fire making explosives and heavy ordinace the best bet to taking these behemoths down.  


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