Crimson Ascension

Forbidden incantation:

The "Crimson Ascension" is a forbidden and perilous incantation, shrouded in dark mystery and whispered only in hushed tones within the clandestine circles of occult knowledge. It is a ritual of unspeakable power and darkness, known for transforming a mortal into a true vampire.

Arcane Components:

The Crimson Ascension requires a careful assembly of arcane components and celestial alignment. Key components often include rare blood gems, a tome of forbidden knowledge, and an intricate blood sigil. The celestial alignment, a rare cosmic event, is crucial for the ritual's success.

The Willing Sacrifice:

One of the most chilling aspects of the Crimson Ascension is that it requires a willing sacrifice. The mortal who seeks vampiric transformation must offer up a beloved or a trusted individual, who, in an act of dark communion, willingly offers their life to enable the ascension. This macabre act binds the vampire-to-be to their sacrifice, creating an eternal connection between them.

Alignment with Celestial Forces:

The ritual can only be performed during a specific celestial alignment, often marked by a celestial event, such as a blood moon, solar eclipse, or planetary conjunction. The alignment is believed to empower the incantation, allowing it to tap into the darkest cosmic forces.

The Transformation:

During the Crimson Ascension, the ritualist draws upon the life force of the willing sacrifice and channels it through the intricate blood sigil. This energy mingles with the celestial alignment, infusing the mortal with vampiric essence. The transformation is a harrowing experience, marked by excruciating pain as the mortal's body and soul undergo a dark metamorphosis.

Vampiric Powers:

Upon completing the Crimson Ascension, the newly created vampire emerges with a host of vampiric powers. They possess superhuman strength, speed, and heightened senses. They are immortal and ageless, immune to most mundane threats. The vampire also gains the ability to mesmerize and manipulate others through the power of their gaze, and they thirst for blood as their primary source of sustenance.

Lilith's Curse::

The price for such dark power is a cursed existence. Vampires created through the Crimson Ascension are forever bound to the ritual's dark origins. They are plagued by an unquenchable thirst for blood, and they often struggle to maintain their humanity, as they teeter on the brink of succumbing to their primal, predatory instincts. Their soul is forever marked and will be consumed by Lilith in time.

Pursuit and Secrecy:

The knowledge of the Crimson Ascension is closely guarded by those who possess it. The ritual is illegal in most societies, and the pursuit of its power can lead to persecution or even death at the hands of vampire hunters or witch hunters. As such, those who undertake the Crimson Ascension often do so in secret, hidden from the prying eyes of the world.

Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations
Related School
Blood magic, Necromany
Effect Duration

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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