
Origins in the Webbed Catacombs:

Centuries ago, deep within the labyrinthine catacombs that crisscrossed beneath the surface of the world, the Centrix had their origins. These catacombs, often called the Webbed Catacombs, were a dark, mysterious realm filled with intricate tunnels and chambers, inhabited by various species of arachnids.

Arachnid Adaptation:

The Centrix evolved from one particular species of arachnid that thrived in the catacombs. Over countless generations, they developed humanoid traits while retaining some of their arachnid characteristics. Their bodies retained a slender, graceful, and agile form, while their limbs were transformed into arms and legs, each ending in delicate but nimble fingers. Their most distinctive feature was the iridescent silk-like thread they could produce from their wrists, which had a multitude of uses in their daily lives.

A Silk-Driven Society:

Silk was at the heart of Centrix culture. It was used for everything from crafting clothing and shelter to creating intricate works of art. Their silk was not only practical but also had a natural beauty that was highly prized among other species. Centrix artisans were renowned for their skill in crafting delicate sculptures and intricate tapestries.

The Shadowed Subterranean Society:

The Centrix lived in a highly organized and secretive society within the Webbed Catacombs. They had a complex caste system, with different roles assigned based on an individual's skills and abilities. Some were weavers, responsible for producing the prized silk, while others served as scouts, exploring the catacombs and seeking new resources. Warriors protected their society from threats that occasionally infiltrated their underground realm.

Relations with Other Species:

The Centrix had limited interactions with the surface-dwelling species of the world. Their existence was largely unknown, and they preferred to keep it that way. However, some surface-dwelling creatures regarded Centrix silk as a valuable commodity, leading to occasional trade between the two realms.

The Undisturbed Catacombs:

For generations, the Centrix thrived beneath the surface, living in harmony with the catacombs and their arachnid cousins. They had managed to keep their existence a well-guarded secret, hidden away from the boisterous events of the world above.

Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Centrix by Necro


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