
Mastery of Craftsmanship:

Dwarves in Ironhold are renowned for their unparalleled craftsmanship. They are skilled blacksmiths, miners, jewelers, and artisans. The city's forges produce legendary weapons, intricate jewelry, and magnificent works of architecture, earning Ironhold its reputation as a hub of metallurgical mastery.

Connection to the Earth:

Dwarves in Ironhold have a deep connection to the earth itself. They believe that the mountains are not only their home but also living ancestors. This reverence for the earth is reflected in their architecture, with tunnels and chambers seamlessly blending into the natural rock formations.

Clan Structure:

The Dwarves of Ironhold are organized into powerful clans, each with its own lineage, traditions, and ancestral halls. These clans form the backbone of Ironhold's society and provide a sense of belonging and identity for its citizens.

Honor and Loyalty:

Dwarves in Ironhold hold honor and loyalty in the highest regard. They are fiercely protective of their city and their clans, and they value oaths and promises above all else. Breaking an oath is considered the gravest of offenses.

Unity and Solidarity:

Despite their clan divisions, Dwarves in Ironhold are united in their commitment to the city's prosperity. In times of crisis, they set aside their differences and work together to defend Ironhold and its treasures.

Cultural Festivals:

Throughout the year, Ironhold hosts grand festivals celebrating craftsmanship, mining, and martial prowess. These events are marked by feasts, competitions, and the exchange of valuable goods, strengthening the bonds within the community.

Guardians of the Forge:

Dwarven warriors, known as the "Guardians of the Forge," are responsible for defending Ironhold from external threats. Clad in meticulously crafted armor and wielding powerful weapons, they are the city's first line of defense.

Halls of Ancestors:

Within Ironhold, the Halls of Ancestors serve as places of reverence and remembrance. Here, the Dwarves pay tribute to their forebears, seeking guidance and inspiration from the spirits of their ancestors.

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Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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