
The Elven Connection to Elanaria:

The Elves of the Evergreen Glade revere Elanaria as their patron deity. They believe that they were created by her divine hand, shaped from the very essence of the forest. They maintain a sacred bond with the goddess and believe that their role is to protect and nurture the Glade in her name.

Harmony with Nature:

Elves of the Evergreen Glade are deeply attuned to the natural world. They practice a form of Magic known as "Elarion," which allows them to communicate with animals, control plant life, and harness the essence of the forest for various purposes. They are also skilled herbalists, healers, and guardians of the Glade's delicate ecosystem.

Eternal Guardians:

The Elves see themselves as eternal guardians of the Evergreen Glade, ensuring its preservation and protecting it from external threats. They are skilled archers and rangers, adept at stealth and survival within the forest's depths.

A Harmonious Society:

Elven society in the Evergreen Glade is organized into clans, each led by a chieftain or chieftess. These clans are based on a deep connection to specific aspects of the forest, such as the moon, the trees, or the rivers. Each clan plays a unique role in maintaining the Glade's balance.

The Tree of Elders:

At the heart of the Evergreen Glade stands the colossal "Eldertree," a living repository of Elven wisdom and history. It is said that the tree's roots extend deep into the earth and its branches touch the heavens, serving as a conduit between the mortal realm and the divine.

Cultural Celebrations:

Throughout the year, the Elves of the Evergreen Glade celebrate their connection to the forest with vibrant festivals. These events include song and dance, feasts, and rituals that pay homage to the changing seasons and the cycles of life.

Emissaries of Peace:

Elves from the Evergreen Glade are often chosen as emissaries to other races and realms, using their diplomatic skills to foster alliances and promote harmony between nature and civilization.

The Ethereal Aesthetic:

Elves of the Evergreen Glade are known for their ethereal beauty, with fair skin, pointed ears, and luminous eyes. They often wear clothing and accessories crafted from materials found in the forest, such as leaves, flowers, and vines. The Elves of the Evergreen Glade are a living embodiment of the harmony between sentient beings and the natural world. Their culture, steeped in tradition and reverence for nature, serves as a reminder of the delicate balance that exists within the enchanted realm they call home.

Encompassed species

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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