
The Veiled Hags:

The Hags of the Isles are elusive and mysterious figures, known for their ability to seamlessly blend into the mist-shrouded surroundings. Their true forms are concealed beneath veils of enchantment, making them even more unnerving to those who encounter them.

Masters of Illusion:

Hags are masters of illusion and enchantment. They use their dark Magic to distort perception, turning lush landscapes into ominous mirages, and creating false paths in the dense mist that can lead travelers astray.

Sinister Bargains:

Hags are notorious for their sinister bargains. They offer travelers tempting deals in exchange for wealth, power, or secrets, but these pacts often come with a treacherous twist, leading to the ruin of those who accept their offers.

Cauldrons of Power:

The Hags are believed to possess cauldrons of dark magic, where they brew potions and concoctions of potent enchantment. These cauldrons are said to be the source of their malevolent power, as well as the means by which they cast hexes and curses on their victims.

Hag Covens:

Hags often form covens, sinister sisterhoods that conspire together to perpetuate their malevolent schemes. Each member of a coven has her own dark skills and magical abilities, making these groups even more formidable.

The Corruption of the Isles:

Hags have had a corrupting influence on the isles. Their dark rituals have tainted the land, and rumors persist that they have created hidden sanctuaries where they practice their sinister arts and conduct unholy ceremonies.

Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Hags by Necro


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Oct 13, 2023 18:13

in what kind of way do they put illusions on themselves. to make themselves ugly or good looking