
The Enigma of Hecate:

In the heart of the Imperial Empire, within the dimly lit, subterranean depths of The Inquisition's dungeon, lay a prisoner like no other. Her name was Hecate, a woman of ethereal beauty and haunting mystique. She was unlike any other inmate in the annals of the Inquisition's history, a figure of darkness that had confounded even the most seasoned inquisitors.

Mysterious Origins:

Hecate's origins were shrouded in enigma. Some whispered that she was a being from the otherworldly realms, while others believed her to be a product of arcane experimentation gone awry. Regardless of her origins, her reputation was infamous, and tales of her deeds had spread throughout the Empire like wildfire.

The Accusations:

Hecate had been accused of practicing forbidden magics, of consorting with malevolent spirits, and of wielding powers beyond mortal comprehension. Her very presence was said to have the power to bend the minds of those around her, leaving them entranced and obedient to her will.

White-Eyed Sorceress:

Her appearance was as unsettling as her reputation. Hecate was abnormally tall, willowy figure, her skin a pallid white that seemed almost luminous in the dim dungeon. Her eyes, the most disconcerting of all, were a piercing, black pupils framed by unnatural white irises. They seemed to bore into the souls of those who dared to meet her gaze, instilling an unsettling sense of dread.

The Inquisitors' Dilemma:

The Inquisition had struggled to contain Hecate's powers. Many inquisitors had fallen prey to her hypnotic influence, and their minds had become twisted, serving her commands instead of their own. The most adept of the Inquisition's forces had been unable to break her will or understand the source of her powers.

The Deepest Cell:

As the Inquisition grappled with Hecate's presence, they were left with no choice but to imprison her in the deepest, most secure cell in their dungeon. Iron bars and wards designed to weaken her powers encased her. The damp, lightless chamber became her new home, a place where the Empire hoped to keep her influence contained.

A Mystery Unresolved:

Hecate's story remained a frightful mystery, her true motives and powers known to none but herself. She awaited in the darkest depths, her piercing white eyes the only sign that she was not like any other prisoner. Her presence served as a constant reminder that even in the heart of the Imperial Empire, there were forces that defied explanation, and that the line between Magic and madness was perilously thin.


Cover image: Hecate by Necro


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Oct 20, 2023 04:01

I'm getting almost evil Bene Gesserit vibes off of her for some reason.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16