Mist Cannibals

Shadowy Predators:

The Mist Cannibals are shadowy figures that prowl the concealed recesses of the Isles, emerging from the mist when the time is ripe. Their predatory nature makes them formidable hunters, and their knowledge of the land's many secrets makes them elusive and difficult to track.

Masters of Ambush:

One of the most notorious characteristics of the Mist Cannibals is their mastery of the ambush. Using the thick mist as both camouflage and a tactical advantage, they lay in wait for unsuspecting travelers, relying on stealth, silence, and a brutal efficiency that leaves victims with little chance to escape.

Tribal Culture:

The Mist Cannibals live in loosely organized tribes, each with its own unique traditions and customs. These tribes are often named after natural elements or celestial phenomena, reflecting the mystical and enigmatic nature of the Isles themselves.

Cannibalistic Practices:

As their name suggests, the Mist Cannibals are known for their gruesome culinary practices. It is believed that, in their rituals, they consume the flesh of their victims to absorb their knowledge and power. This dark and sinister act adds to the mystery surrounding these tribes.

Shamanistic Magic:

The Mist Cannibals possess a shamanistic understanding of the Isles' Magic. They harness the powers of the mist and the land, using them in rituals and spells that defy easy explanation. Their shamans are believed to possess deep connections to the Isles' enchantments.

Guardians of Hidden Treasures:

Legend holds that the Mist Cannibals guard some of the most coveted treasures and secrets hidden within The Isles of Enchantment. This enigmatic role has led to many adventurers and seekers attempting to confront the tribes in search of their mysterious bounty.

Related Locations

Cover image: Mist Cannibals by Necro


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Oct 12, 2023 14:13

guess that means dont walk into mist