
The Veil of Secrecy:

The Nocturnians' history began eons ago, hidden away from the prying eyes of other civilizations. They dwelled in a realm concealed from the known world, a shadowed sanctuary where they could pursue their arcane arts without interference.

The Pioneers of Dimensional Mastery:

The Nocturnians' insatiable curiosity led them to delve into the darkest corners of dimensional Magic. Through centuries of exploration and experimentation, they unlocked the secrets of traversing dimensions, constructing intricate gateways that allowed them to journey between realms at will.

Mastery in Blood Magic:

In their quest for power and understanding, the Nocturnians delved deeply into the forbidden art of blood magic. They learned to harness the life force within their veins to channel potent spells, making blood an integral part of their arcane practices. This mastery over blood magic set them apart from all other civilizations.

The Arbiters:

At the heart of Nocturnian society lay the Arbiters, a clandestine assembly of the most adept and learned individuals among them. This council wielded immense influence, shaping the direction of Nocturnian culture and the use of their formidable powers.

Dimensional Observers:

With their unrivaled ability to traverse dimensions, the Nocturnians assumed the role of silent observers. They peered into the realms beyond their own, watching the rise and fall of empires, the clash of civilizations, and the ebb and flow of magic across the multiverse.

Guardians of Balance:

The Nocturnians believed in preserving the equilibrium between dimensions. They intervened discreetly when necessary, using their powers to quell disturbances that threatened to disrupt the cosmic balance. To outsiders, these interventions were often attributed to mere chance or natural phenomena.

The Price of Blood Magic:

Despite their formidable abilities, the Nocturnians were not without sacrifices. Blood magic exacted a toll on their own life force. To maintain their powers, they were required to replenish their vitality through a complex system of rituals and symbiotic bonds with the mystical creatures of their realm.

The Veil's Unveiling:

Over time, whispers of the Nocturnians' existence spread beyond their concealed realm, tantalizing mages, scholars, and adventurers. Some sought to uncover their secrets, while others viewed them as a dire threat to be eliminated.

The Legacy of the Nocturnians:

The ultimate fate of the Nocturnians remains a mystery. Some believe that they transcended mortal existence, becoming guardians of the cosmic balance on a higher plane. Others speculate that they continue their clandestine existence, manipulating the threads of destiny from the shadows.

Cover image: Nocturnian by Necro


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