
Ethnic Diversity:

The Orcish clans are not a monolithic culture; instead, they are a collection of diverse ethnic groups, each hailing from different regions of the world. This diversity is reflected in their physical characteristics, customs, and languages.

Clan Loyalty:

The concept of clan loyalty is paramount to Orcish culture. Orcs are born into specific clans, and their allegiance to these clans is unwavering. The clan functions as an extended family unit, providing support, protection, and a sense of belonging.

Warrior Society:

Orcs are renowned warriors, and their society is often organized around martial principles. The clans place a strong emphasis on combat training, with many Orcs undergoing rigorous warrior rites as they come of age.

Shamans and Ancestors:

Alongside their martial traditions, many Orcish clans have deep spiritual connections to the land and its natural forces. Shamans play a vital role in their society, communing with spirits, interpreting omens, and seeking guidance from the ancestors.

Nomadic Lifestyle:

Some Orcish clans lead a nomadic lifestyle, following herds of game and migrating with the changing seasons. These clans have a deep appreciation for the land and its resources, and they are skilled hunters and gatherers.

Strong Traditions:

Orcish culture is steeped in tradition. Each clan has its own rituals, festivals, and rites of passage. These traditions serve to reinforce clan identity and honor the ancestors who came before.

Artistry and Crafts:

While Orcs are renowned for their prowess in battle, they also possess a rich tradition of artistry and craftsmanship. Some clans are skilled blacksmiths, creating powerful weapons and armor, while others excel in jewelry-making, pottery, or other forms of artistic expression.

Intra-Clan Rivalries:

While clans are tightly knit, there can be rivalries and conflicts within the Orcish society. These disputes are often settled through tests of strength, ritual challenges, or the mediation of respected elders.

Relations with Other Races:

Orcs often have complex relationships with neighboring races. They may form alliances or engage in trade with some, while harboring animosity towards others. These interactions can lead to diplomatic negotiations or fierce battles.

Encompassed species

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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