Prayer to Elanaria, Elven Goddess of Nature and Life

Elanaria, in your gentle, dappled embrace, We find the sacred beauty of your grace. Goddess of nature, of life's eternal dance, In your radiant light, we find our chance.   With each breath, the forest sighs your name, In your presence, the world is never the same. Protector of the woodlands, the meadow's delight, Bless us, Elanaria, in your soothing light.   Goddess of the leaves and the blossoms fair, In your love, our burdens we shall share. Guide us through the cycles of nature's lore, In your name, we cherish and adore.   In the twilight's glow and the dawn's first ray, We find your blessings in the light of day. Elanaria, with your heart so wide, Keep us forever by nature's side.   Goddess of the rivers, the sky, and the trees, In your name, we sail upon gentle seas. With every living thing, we are entwined, In your embrace, our spirits are aligned.   Elanaria, in your presence, we find our peace, In your love, our worries shall forever cease. Guide us, goddess, through the darkest night, In your eternal light, we take our flight.

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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