Prayer to Lilith, Goddess of Night and Secrets

Lilith, in your shadows we find our way, In the cloak of night, we humbly pray. Goddess of mysteries deep and profound, In your darkness, our spirits are unbound.   Eternal night, your embrace we seek, In your enigma, our souls find their peak. Guide us through the shroud of the unknown, In your wisdom, our seeds of truth are sown.   In the quiet whispers of your moonlit grace, We find solace in the secret places. Lilith, with your endless night unfurled, Reveal to us the mysteries of the underworld.   Goddess of dreams and the realms unseen, In your presence, our minds are keen. Lead us through the starlit, endless sea, In your realm of night, forever free.   Lilith, keeper of the cosmic veil, In your mysteries, we shall prevail. With each shadowy path we tread, Guide us, goddess, with wisdom widespread.   In your name, we embrace the dark and deep, In your eternal night, our secrets we keep. Lilith, goddess of the enigmatic and profound, With your mysteries, our spirits are crowned.

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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