Serpent Conclave

Origins in the Shadows:

The origins of the Serpent Conclave are shrouded in obscurity, a deliberate veil of secrecy that only deepens its enigma. Some whisper that the organization has existed for generations, its leadership passed down through an unbroken lineage of cunning and ruthless leaders.

Eyes on the Streets:

The Serpent Conclave employs a vast network of informants and spies who maintain a constant presence on the city's streets. From beggars to merchants, they gather information, monitor rival gangs, and eavesdrop on conversations in the taverns and markets. These ever-watchful eyes provide the Serpent King with a steady stream of intelligence.

Political Puppetry:

The Serpent Conclave's influence extends beyond the streets. The Serpent King has skillfully manipulated political figures, sowing corruption and deceit among those in positions of power. These puppet politicians serve the organization's interests, passing laws and policies that allow the syndicate to flourish while simultaneously weakening the city's justice system.

Criminal Enterprises:

The Serpent Conclave thrives on an assortment of criminal enterprises, from smuggling and racketeering to extortion and assassinations. They control the underground trade in Empyria, dealing in contraband, stolen goods, and even exotic substances.

Serpent King's Identity:

The true identity of the Serpent King remains a tightly guarded secret. Those who have attempted to unmask this elusive figure have met unfortunate ends, their fates serving as stark warnings to others.

Whispers of Resistance:

Despite their formidable influence, rumors persist of resistance against the Serpent Conclave. A growing alliance of concerned citizens, including law enforcement, brave souls from the lower districts, and even rival criminal organizations, is working to unravel the Serpent King's grip on Empyria.

Information Network

Cover image: Serpent Conclave by Necro


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Oct 24, 2023 13:42

at that point i just would not talk to anybody about anything important. you literacy would not be able to trust them. sounds like even close friends could be apart of the group and you would have no clue

Oct 24, 2023 13:43

meant to say laterally