The Witch Hunts

The Witch Hunts: Shadows of Inquisition

In the annals of Terra's history, one of the most notorious and haunting chapters was known as "The Witch Hunts." This dark period cast a long and chilling shadow over the land, a time when rumors of witches, warlocks, and practitioners of dark Magic struck fear into the hearts of the populace.

Rumors and Accusations:

The whispers began in hushed tones in remote villages, as frightened souls spoke of malevolent sorcery and sinister rituals. Accusations spread like wildfire, tearing apart families and communities. People were quick to label their neighbors as witches or warlocks, often over petty grudges or personal vendettas.  

The Inquisition's Response:

The Inquisition, an organization dedicated to preserving order and combating heresy, responded to these accusations with zealous fervor. They believed that the land had been infiltrated by practitioners of forbidden arts, and it was their duty to cleanse the realm of this perceived threat. What began as an attempt to protect the innocent soon escalated into relentless and often brutal investigations.  

Trials and Torture:

Accused witches and warlocks faced trials that were often nothing more than mockeries of justice. Torture was commonplace, as the Inquisition sought to extract confessions and denunciations. The accused were subjected to brutal methods, from the rack to the iron maiden, all in the name of rooting out heresy.  

The Burnings:

For those found guilty of practicing dark magic, the punishment was dire. The convicted were sentenced to burn at the stake, a public spectacle meant to serve as both a warning and a grim form of entertainment. The flames consumed their flesh, while the crowd watched in a mix of horror and morbid fascination.  

The Aftermath:

The Witch Hunts left a deep scar on the land and its people. Families were torn apart, countless innocent lives were lost, and a pervasive climate of fear took root. The very mention of magic, even the most benign, became shrouded in suspicion. In the end, it became evident that the Witch Hunts had been driven by hysteria, ignorance, and the thirst for power. The Inquisition, in its relentless pursuit of heretics, had lost sight of its original purposeā€”to protect the realm and its people from true threats. As time passed, the Witch Hunts were remembered as a tragic and regrettable chapter in The Inquisitions history. They served as a somber reminder of the dangers of unfounded accusations, unchecked power, and the need for justice to prevail over fear.

Conflict Type
Start Date
3996 AD
Ending Date
4002 AD

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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Oct 18, 2023 15:45

the idea of witch hunts always pissed me off. it might have made sense if they really existed but the crazy accusations could send you into a rage just for them to call it proof.