
Origins in the Primordial Chaos:

Trolls, as a race, trace their origins to the primordial chaos that existed before the creation of the world. In this chaotic realm, the forces of nature and Magic churned together, giving birth to the first trolls. They emerged as creatures of great physical strength and resilience, molded by the raw energies of their environment.

The Ancient Trolls' Dominion:

In the early days of the world's creation, trolls roamed freely across vast, untamed landscapes. They were the undisputed masters of the wilds, inhabiting dense forests, desolate mountains, and cavernous underground realms. Trolls were known for their connection to the earth and nature's secrets, and they revered the elemental spirits that dwelled within the land.

The Shattering:

During The Dragon Wars, the world shook violently and altering its landscapes, dividing it into distinct realms and races. This event fractured the once-mighty troll dominion, scattering troll tribes across the world. Some were trapped underground, while others were marooned in remote and desolate regions.

Tribal Societies:

In the aftermath of The Great Sundering, trolls formed tribal societies, each adapting to its unique environment and developing distinct physical characteristics and abilities. Forest trolls, for example, became masters of camouflage and archery, while mountain trolls developed powerful physiques and resistance to extreme temperatures. Underground trolls harnessed the earth's magic and delved deep into the caverns.

The Dark Magic Influence:

Over time, some troll tribes delved into darker and forbidden forms of magic, leading to their physical transformation. These trolls, known as "dark trolls" or "shadow trolls," exhibited elongated limbs, eerie glows, and potent magical abilities. They often became reclusive and feared by other troll tribes.

Conflict and Cooperation:

Troll history is marked by cycles of conflict and cooperation with neighboring races. While they sometimes warred with Elves, Dwarves, and Humans over territory or resources, they also forged alliances when common threats arose. Trolls were known for their steadfast loyalty to those they deemed worthy.

The Modern Era:

Trolls continue to exist as diverse and adaptive beings. Some troll tribes embrace their ancient connection to the land and nature, while others remain enigmatic and reclusive, practicing dark and forbidden magic. Trolls are often seen as guardians of the wilds and ancient knowledge, with their tribes scattered throughout the world, offering both allies and challenges to those who encounter them.

Basic Information


Large Size:

Trolls are generally massive creatures, standing between 7 to 9 feet tall, with powerful, hulking frames that can weigh several hundred pounds.

Muscular Build:

Trolls possess a robust and muscular physique, making them formidable in combat. Their strength and size allow them to overpower most adversaries.  

Grayish Skin:

Trolls typically have grayish skin that provides natural camouflage in mountainous environments.  

Pointed Ears:

Trolls have pointed ears, which enhance their keen hearing and contribute to their distinctive look.  

Jagged Teeth:

Trolls possess a mouth full of jagged teeth, and their elongated canines are particularly pronounced. Their teeth are well-suited for tearing and chewing raw flesh.  

Tough Hide:

Trolls have a tough and thick hide that provides some natural protection against physical harm.

Ecology and Habitats

Deep Forests:

Trolls may be found in dense, deep forests, where their large size and strength help them navigate the rugged terrain. They use these habitats for hunting and ambush tactics.

Mountainous Regions:

Trolls occasionally inhabit mountainous regions, often seeking prey among the wildlife that thrives at higher elevations.  

Cave Systems:

Trolls might establish lairs in intricate cave systems, using them as bases for hunting and ambushing intruders.  

Underground Rivers:

Trolls in cavernous regions may use underground rivers as transportation routes and as a source of water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous Diet:

Trolls are strict carnivores, primarily feeding on the flesh of animals and, occasionally, sentient creatures, such as humanoids.


Trolls are opportunistic scavengers and are often drawn to battlefields or areas with carrion. They're not particularly selective about the state of the meat they consume.  

Ravenous Appetite:

Trolls possess a constant and ravenous hunger, often eating large quantities of food in a single meal.  

Humanoid Flesh:

While they primarily prey on animals, trolls are notorious for their occasional consumption of humanoid flesh. This dark habit has led to their reputation as fearsome and dangerous creatures.

characteristics and features


Regenerative Abilities:

One of the most iconic traits of trolls is their remarkable regenerative capabilities. They can rapidly heal from wounds, and recover from injuries that would be fatal to most other creatures.  

Long Hair:

Trolls often have long, unruly hair that may be dirty and unkempt, giving them a wild and savage appearance.  

Age-Dependent Growth:

Trolls are known to have the longest lifespan of any race besides dragons. As trolls age, they continue to grow larger and stronger. Their size is directly correlated with its age. Young trolls may stand at the typical height of around 7 to 9 feet, but an elder troll can grow to immense proportions, towering at 15 to 20 feet or even more.

Cover image: Mountain troll by Necro


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