Buried Secrets

"You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible."
~Anton Chekhov


  In the early summer of the year 306 A.D., an unusual discovery was made in a quarry within the Eurmyerian province of Maire Point. Strange markings indicated the presence of an ancient structure hidden by a shift in the earth and rock ages long ago. After initial exploration, a stone slab was found leading to a narrow staircase into an unusual underground ruins.   Margrave Marious Jilian, lord of Maire Point and noble peer of the Eurmyerian Kingdom, was informed of this discovery. After several weeks of frustrations in attempting to breach the inner wards of these ruins, Marious sent a commission to request the aid of a Graph, out of the Bael Lyceum. Fortune favored a response, and a young graduate by the name of Alton was dispatched to aid the March.   So began a careful yet tedious study of the ruins for several months. Supervised by Marious eldest heir, Guilio, the young graph made an extensive study of any and all texts and information regarding the ruin. Two seasons later, in the late autumn, a breakthrough was made and first layers of the ruins were breached. Within the first antechamber, a lone sarchogous was found. Inside lay a warrior adorned in ancient attire.   Her name was Wrin, and she was alive - after two thousand years she has slept. Born in a world before the empire, Wrin was a warrior-general who fought nascent daemon agents on behalf of a sacred angelic patron, and imbued with divine power. Her most important accomplishment, however, was the recruitment and organization of a highly trained and dedicated army of holy warriors. Trained in sacred fighting styles, myths of their power and skill still exist.   When her patron betrayed her, she found the only way to prevent their plans from flourishing was to make a desperate gambit to fling herself into the future. Wring, along with loyal soldiers entered into a deep slumber. Now awakened alone, Wrin found herself disoriented in this new world, and with little time to settle.   After the revival of Wrin, rumor of the army spread to House Jilan's rivals. The sudden death of the , horrible on its own, opened a scandal within the realm. Threatened with humiliation, destitution, or even death, Guilio was forced to flee with nothing but his name and title.    

Chapter I: Lost

The first chapter of the Defiant Hand begins with their formation and travel through Underdark.


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